Sugar, Fat and the tale of how we were all misled…

Firstly, welcome to March!  It seems a while since I last wrote and I have a good excuse, I’ve been busy studying and helping clients and to be truthful, the days have just run away with me.  I’m sure like you though it feels amazing to be having more daylight hours, and the sunshine this week has been wonderful – I’ve had my running shoes back on and have had some beautiful runs with my dog!


I’m sure you’ve heard the news about the Sugar Tax in the budget this week – it’s really good to hear and is definitely a step in the right direction.  I think we all know though that the battle against sugar has only really just got started, as over the last 30 years there has been so much misleading information, that people are now, understandably confused.

SugarThere is a lot more research and evidence in the public domain now that disproves the advice we were told to follow in the 1980’s, saying that all fat was bad, and that we should follow a low fat, high carbohydrate diet.  During this time, instances of heart disease have continued unabated, cancer has continued to rise, and Type II Diabetes and Obesity occurences have gone through the roof, both in adults, and sadly children too.  Even back in the 1950’s Professor John Yudkin presented much research on the topic, and advised that carbohydrates (sugar) was the problem (  In addition to that, more extensive research has been done on this, and Dr Deidre Tobias is known for her contribution, and findings as reported in the Lancet  All of this has influenced the guidelines we are now hearing, and why sugar is now known to be the enemy and healthy fats are indeed our friend.

Amongst regular research I do on diet & health, there is one functional medicine professional I follow with interest and admiration for his work in healing, and that is Dr Mark Hyman MD. You may be asking what is functional medicine?Dr Mark Hyman

Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease & illness, addressing the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms.

I thought I’d therefore share with you his recent interview by Lewis Howes – you can watch it here, and I’d really encourage you to take a look.

In his interview he talks about the past, and clearly explains the reasons why we now know the truth about sugar. I do hope you find it interesting and helpful.

I will be writing more next time about this shift in thinking, but in the meantime do contact me if you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you.

Have a lovely weekend!


